IBEW Local 40-NECA Health Trust Fund and HRA (3D)
What is the IBEW Local 40 NECA Health Plan? The IBEW Local 40 NECA Health & Welfare Plan provides comprehensive health and welfare benefits. It includes health insurance provided by:
- Kaiser Permanente Health Plan
- Delta Dental Care
- Coast Benefits Health Reimbursement Account
Health and Welfare Plan
Your Health Plan was established for you as a result of a collective bargaining agreement between IBEW Local 40 and the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors’ Association. Your Employer has agreed under a provision of the collective bargaining agreement to make contributions to the Trust Fund that are used to pay for the costs of the benefit plans.
Your Rights and Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills
When you get emergency care or get treated by an out-of-network provider at an in network hospital or ambulatory surgical center, you are protected from surprise billing or balance billing.
Am I eligible for benefits?
You become eligible for health and dental benefits upon completion of 120 hours or work on a month to month basis. Hours worked in excess of 120 hours per calendar month are banked for later use in months in which you work less than 120 hours. The maximum you can accumulate in your reserve account is 600 hours. Your eligibility will continue as long as your reserve account contains at least 120 hours.
You will be eligible for benefits on the first day of the third calendar month next following the last month in which you worked at least 120 hours.
For example:
- 120 hours worked in January gives eligibility for April
- 120 hours worked in February gives eligibility for May
- 120 hours worked in March gives eligibility for June
- 120 hours worked in April gives eligibility for July
How to Enroll
You can obtain health benefit enrollment materials from Coast Benefits, or from the IBEW Local 40 union hall. Complete the enrollment forms below and return to Coast Benefits or to your Local 40 union hall.
Coast Benefits, Inc. 3530 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 110 San Diego, California 92108 - Toll-free Phone: 1-844-739-7956
- Toll-free Fax: 1-877-501-1015
Kaiser Permanente Health Plan
As a participant in IBEW Local 40 NECA Health Plan, you are entitled to medical and prescription drug benefits under Kaiser provided you meet the eligibility requirements of the Plan.
Kaiser owns its own medical clinics and hospitals, and employs its own doctors. Kaiser may also contract with designated hospitals and Medical Groups. Under the Kaiser Plan, you can choose your own physician, and are encouraged to do so.
Delta Dental Care
As a participant in this Plan, you are offered a dual choice of dental plans provided by DeltaCare USA Dental of California. You must meet the eligibility requirements of the Plan.
Whatever plan choice you select, DeltaCare USA DMO Plan or DeltaCare USA PPO Plan, all family members need to be enrolled in the same plan. If you do not select one of the two available plans you will be automatically be enrolled in the DMO Plan. You will only be allowed to change your choice of plans each year, during the annual open enrollment period. Normally, information on the open enrollment is mailed out in September of each year and any change in dental plans must be made and received in the Administrative Office by October 31st. Plan changes are effective with the eligibility period starting December 1.
Under the DeltaCare Plan, most covered benefits are provided for either no charge or for a fixed co-payment, per procedure. You must select a dentist from the directory of dentists provided by DeltaDental. In order to receive Plan benefits, you and your eligible family members must obtain all your dental care from the dentist you have selected. You may change to another panel dentist, for any reason. The dentist you choose will be responsible for referring you to a specialist if that becomes necessary.
Delta Dental forms come with your enrollment kit, or download here.
IBEW Local 40 NECA Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)
The IBEW Local 40-NECA HRA Plan is a health-care reimbursement account, for you and your dependents, that covers qualified medical expenses such as co-payments, prescription drugs, and medical insurance premiums. It is funded solely by employer contributions.
An account will be established for you in the IBEW Local 40-NECA HRA Plan as determined by your collective bargaining agreement. Your account balance will be divided between two pools:
The “active” account will be available for claims reimbursement as long as you are an active participant of the Plan.
The “retiree” account will be available for claims reimbursement once you reach age 55, the IBEW Local 40-NECA HRA Plan’s mandatory retirement age. Withdrawals for qualified medical expenses are tax-free. Claims reimbursements are administered by Coast Benefits, Inc.
Qualified Expenses
The Internal Revenue Service defines qualified medical care expenses within IRS Section 213(d). Medical care expenses are further defined as amounts paid for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation or treatment of a disease, and for treatments affecting any part or function of the body. The expenses must be primarily to alleviate a physical or mental defect or illness.
The products and services listed in the document (below) are examples of medical expenses eligible for payment under a Health Reimbursement Account. This list is not all inclusive; additional expenses may qualify, and the items listed below are subject to change in accordance with IRS regulations.
Filing an HRA Claim
Use your HRA debit card. Your HRA debit card is accepted at most merchants where you would have eligible expenses (e.g. CVS, Rite Aid, Costco). You can pay for your eligible expenses with the card, but it will not work for non-eligible purchases (e.g. you cannot use it to purchase non- eligible items at a drug store).

Your HRA debit card is the simplest way for you to access the funds in your HRA account. If you do not receive your HRA debit card, or if you have any questions about your HRA benefit, or how to access your benefits, please call Coast Benefits at 844-739-7956.
Filing Claim Methods
Claims can be filed by fax, mail, online or via our mobile app.
1. To file your claim by fax:
Fax your claim to 877-501-1015
2. To file your claim online:
- Log on here
- Enter your username and password
- Click Login
If you are not already registered for the site, your username will be:
- First Name Initial + Full Last Name + Last 4 digits of SSN
(example: jsmith6789) - The default password is: Coast1 (case sensitive)
You will have 30 days to create a new password. After 30 days, you can create a new password by contacting Coast Benefits at 844-739-7956.
Creating a Payment or Requesting a Reimbursement
After you have logged in…
- Click on the File a Claim button.
- On the next screen, select the Pay From drop- down menu and select Medical.
- Then go to the Pay To drop-down menu
- To reimburse yourself for a previous expense, select Me
- To pay a provider, select Someone Else
- Then follow the prompts.
For more information please download these instructions and the quickstart guide:

3. To file your claim using our app:
Manage your HRA account from the palm of your hand. Check your HRA account balance and submit receipts from anywhere. You can easily and securely access your HRA account, submit claims and upload receipts anywhere at any time. You have quick access to common tasks with an easy to use design that helps make sense of your health and financial information. Click on link below for help.
Making Changes to Your Account
To make changes such as adding family members, adding student status, and changing your address, contact Coast Benefits. Documentation may be required in order to make any changes.